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Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education (Book of Abstracts) Mostra a grandezza intera



Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education (Book of Abstracts)

Tra buone pratiche e nuove prospettive
The historical-educational heritage as a source for the Public History of Education. Between good practices and new perspectives

Anna Ascenzi, Gianfranco Bandini, Carla Ghizzoni (a cura di / edited by)

Book of abstracts del III Congresso della Società Italiana per lo Studio del Patrimonio Storico-Educativo (Milano, 14-15 dicembre 2023) / Book of abstracts of III Congress of Società Italiana per lo Studio del Patrimonio Storico-Educativo (Milan, 14th-15th December 2023)

Note sul Testo
Il Book of abstract raccoglie proposte che intendono offrire spunti di riflessione sulle possibili applicazioni delle pratiche della Public History al patrimonio storico-educativo. Gli abstracts sono organizzati in tre sezioni, nella prima sono avanzate riflessioni di carattere teorico e metolologico sul tema, nella seconda sono presentate esperienze didattiche e attività sul territorio, mentre la terza si sofferma sull’analisi e la narrazione delle fonti. Nel loro complesso gli abstracts offrono un interessante spaccato delle innumerevoli possibilità di approccio al patrimonio storico-educativo che permettono di uscire dai confini angusti del mondo accademico per interagire con la società civile, che in non pochi casi diviene co-costruttrice di contenuti e protagonista di percorsi di valorizzazione incentrati sui beni culturali di interesse storico-educativo.

The Book of abstracts collects proposals that offer input on the possible applications of Public History practices to historical-educational heritage. The abstracts are organized into three sections. In the first, theoretical and methodological reflections are advanced. The second section presents educational experiences and activities in the field. The third section focuses on the analysis and narration of sources. All the abstracts offer an interesting cross-section of the innumerable possibilities of an approach to historical-educational heritage that allows us to leave the narrow confines of the academic world to interact with civil society which in many cases becomes co-constructor of contents and protagonist of paths of valorisation focused on historical-educational cultural goods.

Note sulle Curatrici / sui Curatori
Anna Ascenzi is full professor of Children’s Educational Literature at the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism of Macerata University. She is in her second term as president of the Italian Society for the Study of Historical-Educational Heritage (SIPSE). She has published several books and papers on the history of disciplinary teaching and textbooks, on the processes of national identity building and citizenship between the 19th and 20th centuries and on youth literature in unified Italy.
Gianfranco Bandini is full professor of the History of Pedagogy at the Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literature and Psychology at Florence University. He has been Vice President of SIPSE since 2021 and is the author of numerous papers and books on historical-social 19th-20th century pedagogy with particular focus on methodological-historiographical reflection and digital documentation. In recent years, he has conducted studies focusing on Public History of Educational field and on educational minorities. Together with Stefano Olivero and Pamela Giorgi, he directs book series Public history of education, Theories, experiences and tools at Florence University Press.
Carla Ghizzoni is full professor of the History of educational institutions at the Faculty of Education Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. One of the founding members of SIPSE, she is author of numerous essays and books on the history of school and education with particular reference to the cultural and professional training of teachers between the 19th and 20th centuries, the schoolteachers’ associationism, female education, work training, educational initiatives promoted by Catholicism between the 19th and 20th centuries.
Anna Ascenzi, Gianfranco Bandini, Carla Ghizzoni
Introduzione / Introduction
Sezione / Section I
Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education: riflessioni teoriche e metodologiche / The historicaleducational heritage as a source for the Public History of Education: theoretical and methodological reflections
Sezione / Section II
Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education: esperienze didattiche e attività sul territorio / The historicaleducational heritage as a source for the Public History of Education: didactic experiences and activities in the area
Sezione / Section III
Il patrimonio storico-educativo come fonte per la Public History of Education: analisi e narrazione delle fonti / The historical-educational heritage as a source for the Public History of Education: analysis and narration of sources
Indice dei nomi / Index of names

Thesaurus Scholae. Fonti e studi sul patrimonio storico-educativo / Thesaurus Scholae. Sources and studies on school heritage
Fonti / Sources
Collana diretta da / Series directed by Anna Ascenzi (Università degli Studi di Macerata), Gianfranco Bandini (Universitàdegli Studi di Firenze), Elisabetta Patrizi (Università degli Studi di Macerata)

In copertina: illustrazione di F. Scarpelli per Il Giornalino della Domenica, Anno V, n. 44 del 30 ottobre 1910 
  • Codice ISBN (PDF) 978-88-6056-870-0
  • Codice ISSN (on line) 2723-9314
  • DOI
  • Numero pagine 235
  • Formato 14x21
  • Anno 2023
  • Editore ©2023 eum edizioni università di macerata
  • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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