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HECL XIV / 2 2019
History of education & children’s literature
XIV / 2 2019
Half-yearly journal / Rivista semestrale
History of education & children’s literature
XIV / 2 2019
Half-yearly journal / Rivista semestrale
Sezione monografica
Students in action during the «long 60s»
edited by Andrés Payà Rico, José Luis Hernández Huerta
Andrés Payà Rico, José Luis Hernández Huerta, Student movements of the «long 1960s». Steps towards the cultural revolution, social change and political transformation, pp. 13-20.
José Luis Hernández Huerta, Andrés Payà Rico, Other social actors involved in Brazil’s «Long ’68» in the midst of the violence. Public-sphere representations of the Catholic Church’s discourse and actions in solidarity with student agitators, pp. 21-53.
Blanka Kudláčová, Illegal confessional education of university students in the secret church in Slovakia in the 1960s, pp. 55-73.
Kelly Ludkiewicz Alves, From popular culture to social transformation: student youth, peasants and the Base Education Movement (MEB) in the 1960s, pp. 75-96.
Sandra Carli, La experiencia estudiantil universitaria en los largos 60s y el estallido del ’69 argentino. Emergencia juvenil y biografías femeninas, pp. 97-112.
Carmen Sanchidrián Blanco, Women should remain very womanly: female university students and work in Spain in 1968, pp. 113-134.
Pauli Dávila, Luis M. Naya, Joana Miguelena, On May ’68 in Spain: student youth and the autonomous universities, pp. 135-155.
Óscar J. Martín García, «They are the force for change in today’s world and they will lead tomorrow’s». The United States and Spanish students in the context of global ’68, pp. 157-176.
Doron Timor, Student protest and the «Legitimation Crisis» in Israel 1965-1977, pp. 177-190.
Dimitrios Foteinos, The formation of resistance culture in Greece and the history null curriculum: a preliminary account, pp. 191-207.
Jones Irwin, «Et Après?» - The 1970s philosophical fallout from May ’68 and its contemporary significance, pp. 209-224.
Migrations and History of education in a transnational view between Italy and Brazil in 19th and 20th centuries
edited by Anna Ascenzi, Alberto Barausse, Terciane Ângela Luchese, Roberto
Anna Ascenzi, Alberto Barausse, Terciane Ângela Luchese, Roberto Sani, History of education and migrations: crossed (or connected or entangled) histories between local and transnational perspective. A research «agenda», pp. 227-262.
Roberto Sani, Catholicism, education and emigration: the Spiritual Guide of the Italian emigrant in America [Guida spirituale per l’emigrato italiano nella America] by the Scalabrinian priest Pietro Colbacchini, pp. 263-283.
Elaine Cátia Falcade Maschio, Childhood, school and education in Italian settlements under the auspices of the Scalabrinian Missionaries, located in the state of Paraná, Brazil, pp. 285-301.
Alberto Barausse, Between religion and nation: Italica Gens and the development of ethnical schools and Italian language in Southern Brazil in the early 20th century (1910-1930), pp. 303-337.
Maria Teresa Santos Cunha, Cristiani Bereta da Silva, A «civilizing mission» between quills, inks, and types: Italian immigrants and «La Tribuna» newspaper (Florianópolis/SC - 1932), pp. 339-357.
Alberto Barausse, Maria Helena Câmara Bastos, Informing and educating for Italianess on the pages of «Stella d’Italia» (Porto Alegre/RS, 1902-1908), pp. 359-387.
Terciane Ângela Luchese, Ethnical catholic press in the RS Italian colonial regional: clashes and consensus on behalf of education (1898-1927), pp. 389-424.
Anna Ascenzi, Journals for italian young people abroad during the Fascist Twenty Years: from «Aquilotti d’Italia» (1928-1930) to «Il Tamburino della gioventù italiana all’estero» (1931-1943), pp. 425-446.
Claudia Panizzolo, Scuole italiane all’estero: a study on reading books circulating in Italian ethnical schools in Brazil (Late 19th and early 20th Century), pp. 447-466.
Terciane Ângela Luchese, «…libriccini, tutto l’amore che nutro per l’infanzia». Syllabaries written and printed in Brazil to the Italian ethnic schools (1906-1907), pp. 467-490.
Michela D’Alessio, Preparatory courses addressed to «special» teachers for training Italian migrants in the early twentieth century, pp. 491-508.
Eliane Mimesse Prado, Orphaned and abandoned children in the city of São Paulo: the crucial understanding to create the Scalabrinian orphanage, pp. 509-526.
Gelson Leonardo Rech, Alberto Barausse, Schooling of italian immigrants in Porto Alegre/RS (1928-1938), pp. 527-557.
Antonio de Ruggiero, Italians in the cities of Rio Grande do Sul: social networks and ethnic associationism (1870-1914), pp. 559-581.
Essays and Researches
Saggi e Ricerche
Ersoy Topuzkanamış, Teaching turkish to Germans in 1910s in Istanbul and Berlin: Bolland’s Book Türkisches Lesebuch für Deutsche, pp. 585-602.
Giseli Cristina do Vale Gatti, Décio Gatti Júnior, Civic-patriotic celebrations in Brazilian schools. History and memory of the Gymnásio Mineiro de Uberlândia in Minas Gerais, Brazil (1930-1950), pp. 603-620.
Roberto Sani, «Passons aux barbares». Antoine-Frédéric Ozanam, Catholicism and challenges of a modern industrial society in France in the first half of the nineteenth century, pp. 621-636.
Irina V. Volkova, «Meeting Spain» and lessons the Soviet front-line generation learned from the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War, pp. 637-659.
María Eugenia Bolaño Amigo, Graphic and cultural press as school’s place of memory. «Céltiga» (Buenos Aires) and «La Esfera» (Madrid) as contrasting examples in the early 20th century, pp. 661-681.
Chiara Meta, Formazione dell’uomo e teoria della personalità in Antonio Gramsci, pp. 683-694.
Vandana Saxena, Suman Sigroha, The ordinary and the extreme: Second World War in young adult fiction set in Asia, pp. 695-711.
Thomas Karlsohn, Humboldt and the written word: on the media conditions for bildung, pp. 713-725.
Natalia Koliada, Sunday school as a non-traditional educational establishment for children and adults: the history of the issue, pp. 727-748.
Béla Pukánszky, Life reform and talent care in Tarhos. The failure of a promising Hungarian school experiment in the early 1950s, pp. 749-761.
Andrea Marrone, Nicolò Rezzara e le battaglie scolastiche dei cattolici italiani tra Otto e Novecento, pp. 763-783.
Antonia Mª Mora-Luna, Educación y literatura en el tardofranquismo y la transición democrática española. La enseñanza de la literatura en una sociedad tecnificada (1970-1982), pp. 785-814.
Maura Di Giacinto, Migrant otherness: social representations, historical courses, educational patterns, pp. 815-828.
Marco Severini, Ex cathedra. Lodovico Mortara, l’emancipazione femminile e la legge sulla capacità giuridica della donna, pp. 829-858.
Sources and Documents
Fonti e documenti
Lorenzo Cantatore, The MuSEd of Roma Tre between past and present. With unpublished writings by Giuseppe Lombardo Radice and Mauro Laeng, pp. 861-884.
Critical Reviews and Bibliography
Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni
Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche
Carlos Nogueira, Para una lectura de Heidi, de Johanna Spyri, p. 889-900.
Lucia Paciaroni, Editoria e letture per i soldati nel primo Novecento. A proposito di una recente ricerca, pp. 901-908.
Forum / Discussioni
Carmela Covato, Roberto Sani, Una historiografía en constante evolución. Nuevos itinerarios y perspectivas de investigación en el campo de la historia de la educación, pp. 911-934.
Anna Ascenzi, Marta Brunelli, Eleonora Rampichini, Hygiene education and museums: experiments and suggestions from a school museum, pp. 935-952.
Yohana Taise Hoffmann, David Antonio da Costa, Mobilization of sources for preservation of school culture: an experience in the history of Mathematics education in Brazil, pp. 953-969.
Susanna Barsotti, The house and the forest in the fairy tales as educational spaces. The case of the picture book C’era una volta una bambina, pp. 971-987.
Chiara Meta, Antonio Gramsci e John Dewey in dialogo. Affinità e differenze nella teoria dell’educazione, pp. 989-1001.
Lucia Paciaroni, La «scuola serena» a Mogliano. Riflessione pedagogica e pratica didattica nell’attività magistrale di Giovanni Lucaroni (1923-1934), pp. 1003-1032.
Notices / Recensioni
Dorena Caroli, Anne Maître (edd.), La littérature de jeunesse russe et soviétique: poétique, auteurs, genres et personnages (XIXe-XXe siècle) (M. Colin), pp. 1035-1038.
Lorenzo Planzi, Il Collegio Papio di Ascona. Da Carlo Borromeo alla diocesi di Lugano (S. Negruzzo), pp. 1038-1040.
Vincenza Iossa, Manuele Gianfrancesco (edd.), Vietato studiare vietato insegnare. Il Ministero dell’educazione nazionale e l’attuazione delle norme antiebraiche 1938-1943 (N. Quarenghi), pp. 1040-1043.
Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres
Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca
Lucia Paciaroni, Sofia Montecchiani, Le forme della memoria scolastica. A proposito del primo seminario nazionale PRIN, pp. 1047-1053.
International Referees’ Committee (2019), p. 1055.
Nessuna recensione per il momento.