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Enometrica 2 1/2009 Mostra a grandezza intera



Enometrica 2 1/2009

vol. 2 n. 1 march 2009
Half-yearly journal

Ciaschini Maurizio (edited by), Morcellini Mario, Anderson Kym, Hanf Jon, Schweickert Erik, Belaya Vera, Maurel Carole, Barber Nelson, Taylor Christopher, Chironi Stefania, Ingrassia Marzia (texts by)


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5 Mario Morcellini, Editorial
9 Kym Anderson, Terroir rising? Varietal and quality distinctiveness of Australia’s wine regions
29 Jon Hanf, Erik Schweickert, Vera Belaya, Power asymmetries in the wine chain - Implications for the manage-ment of the chain
47 Carole Maurel, A financial approach to export perfomance and its determinants in SMEs: the case of the french wine industry
67 Nelson Barber, Christopher Taylor, Wine bottle closure: The importance to Millennials and Baby Boomers during purchase situations
87 Stefania Chironi, Marzia Ingrassia, Wine and quality. A cluster analysis to assess certain representative aspects relating to the Quality of the wine product

  • Autore/i Maurizio Ciaschini (edited by), Mario Morcellini, Kym Anderson, Jon Hanf, Erik Schweickert, Vera Belaya, Carole Maurel, Nelson Barber, Christopher Taylor, Stefania Chironi, Marzia Ingrassia (texts by)
  • Codice ISBN (print) 978-88-6056-180-0
  • Codice ISSN (print) 1974-4730
  • Numero pagine 98
  • Formato 17x24
  • Anno 2009
  • Editore © 2009 eum edizioni università di Macerata

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