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Enometrica 1 1/2008
4 Maurizio Ciaschini, Editorial
7 David Menival, Steve Charters, The impact of tourism on the willingness to pay for a bottle of standard quality champagne
19 Jose Cadima Ribeiro, Jose Freitas Santos, Portuguese quality wine and the region-of-origin effect: consumers’ and retailers’ perceptions
38 Jean François Outreville, A market-based pricing model for wines: Test over the period 1988-2007
48 Paolo Buonanno, Giovanni Caggiano, Matteo Maria Galizzi, Leone Leonida, Expert and Peer Pressure in Food and Wine Tasting: Evidence from a Pilot Experiment
66 Nelson Barber, Tim Dodd, An Analysis of U.S. Direct Wine Shipment Laws
Nessuna recensione per il momento.