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HECL XV / 1 2020 Mostra a grandezza intera



HECL XV / 1 2020

History of education & children’s literature
XV / 1 2020
Half-yearly journal / Rivista semestrale

Barišić Rudolf, Bergomi Alberta, Borrisovich Pomelov Vladimir, Chierichetti Valentina, Chiosso Giorgio, Covato Carmela, D’Alessio Michela, Di Biasio Simone, Durán Martínez Ramiro, Ebzeeva Yulia, Eugeni Carla, Fernández Antón Estefanía, Fraile Bienvenido Martín, Ghizzoni Carla, Guven Ismail, Horbec Ivana, Hui Haifeng, Ke Xiaoling, Khavanova Olga, Klieber Rupert, Kokanović Marković Marijana, Kudláčová Blanka, Luetić Tihana, Matasović Maja, Meda Juri, Minuto Valentino, Montecchiani Sofia, Naydenova Natalia, Novosel Zrinko, Oset Željko, Ostajmer Branko, Ostenc Michel, Paciaroni Lucia, Park Yoon-cheol, Parra Nieto Gabriel, Polenghi Simonetta, Pomante Luigiaurelio, Rébay Magdolna Éva, Sani Roberto, Sanz Simón Carlos, Scaglia Evelina, Sezer Feyzioğlu Hamiyet, Shek Brnardić Teodora, Švoger Vlasta, Targhetta Fabio, van Hengel Guido, Warscher Manuela-Claire, Zago Giuseppe, Župan Dinko

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Being a student in the Habsburg Monarchy
edited by Ivana Horbec, Maja Matasović and Branko Ostajmer


Ivana Horbec, Maja Matasović, Branko Ostajmer, Being a student in the Habsburg monarchy. Introduction, pp. 11-17 [codice DOI: 10.1400/277313]

Towards the modernisation of school system: students’ perspective

Ivana Horbec, Maja Matasović, Sola praxis format hominem? Ideals and criticism of the system of higher learning in the 18th Century Kingdom of Hungary, pp. 21-40

Valentina Chierichetti, Simonetta Polenghi, Learning in ginnasio and liceo in Habsburg Milan (1814-1859), pp. 41-67

Magdolna Éva Rébay, School in the eyes of Hungarian high nobility. The counts Széchényi (1867 1918), pp. 69-89

Rudolf Barišić, Education interrupted: reasons why clerics in Bosna Srebrena discontinued their studies, pp. 91-111

Manuela-Claire Warscher, «… we do not need educated farmers». Rural education in Istria 1850-1914, pp. 113-124

Personal maturation through learning

Zrinko Novosel, Upbringing and early education in the selected 19th Century Croatian memoirs, pp. 127-138

Marijana Kokanović Marković, Young ladies at the piano. The role of music in the upbringing and education of girls in Novi Sad in the Nineteenth Century, pp. 139-150

Dinko Župan, How to turn female students into good mothers, wives and housewives. The construction of female identity in pedagogical discourses in Croatia in the second half of the19th Century, pp. 151-167

Guido van Hengel, Claiming adolescent spaces: education and power in Austro-Hungarian Bosnia and Hercegovina, pp. 169-188

Peregrinatio academica

Olga Khavanova, Mediocre pupils – informative letters? Hungarian nobleman István Dessewffy at Vienna Theresianum in the 1750s, pp. 191-205

Vlasta Švoger, Students from the small country in the big city: Croatians studying in Vienna in the nineteenth Century, pp. 207-224

Rupert Klieber, Croatian clerics studying at the Frintaneum Imperial Institute and the University of Vienna 1816 to 1918, pp. 225-242

Students’ Life

Teodora Shek Brnardić, The everyday life of cadets at the Wiener Neustadt Military Academy, as portrayed in the paintings of Bernhard Albrecht (1785-1793), pp. 245-271

Željko Oset, Socializing of Slovene students at Austrian universities from the March Revolution to World War I, pp. 273-285

Tihana Luetić, Students’ magazines at the beginning of the 20th Century in Zagreb, pp. 287-305

Essays and Researches
Saggi e Ricerche

Vladimir Borissovich Pomelov, The activities of the educators in Russia in the first half of the XVIII Century (the case of the Vyatka Province), pp. 309-325

Estefanía Fernández Antón, La Renovación Pedagógica: análisis de dos proyectos educativos para identificar las dificultades y las claves del impacto social, pp. 327-345

Roberto Sani, About a history of periodical press for teachers and schools in a united Italy (1861-1945), pp. 347-378

Natalia Naydenova, Yulia Ebzeeva, (Anti)religious propaganda in the Soviet and post-Soviet works of fiction for young readers, pp. 379-396

Valentino Minuto, Una città ancora troppo coloniale. Uno studio sulle scuole di Asmara negli anni ’50, pp. 397-429

Yoon-cheol Park, History of Korean education and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, pp. 431-444

Evelina Scaglia, Alberta Bergomi, Education and propaganda in the «Patriotic Postcards» distributed by the Lombard Committee of the General Union of Italian Teachers during WWI, pp. 445-467

Luigiaurelio Pomante, Periodical press for University professors in Italy between war and post war period (1939-1960), pp. 469-518

Ismail Guven, Hamiyet Sezer Feyzioğlu, Italian missionary schools in the Ottoman Empire since XVIII Century, pp. 519-551

Sofia Montecchiani, Il conte Leopoldo Armaroli: giurista, politico e studioso dell’esposizione infantile nell’Italia di fine Settecento e inizio Ottocento, pp. 553-571

Michel Ostenc, Les organisations de jeunesse fascistes dans l’Italie mussolinienne (1926-1943). L’Opera Nazionale Balilla (O.N.B.) et la Gioventù Italiana del Littorio (G.I.L.). Deuxième partie, pp. 573-613

Critical Reviews and Bibliography
Rassegne critiche, Discussioni, Recensioni

Critical Reviews / Rassegne critiche

Giorgio Chiosso, Recenti pubblicazioni in ambito storico educativo. Qualche proposta di lettura, pp. 619-628

Roberto Sani, Fabio Targhetta, Michel Ostenc, L’educazione degli italiani. Riflessioni su un recente contributo di Giorgio Chiosso, pp. 629-653

Carmela Covato, Giorgio Ghiosso, Giuseppe Zago, I «Monumenta Italiae Paedagogica» e la costruzione del canone pedagogico nazionale (1886-1956): una rassegna di studi, pp. 655-674

Sofia Montecchiani, Immaginario e realtà dei percorsi storico-educativi legati all’infanzia. A proposito di una recente ricerca, pp. 675-683

Simone Di Biasio, Forme, temi e simboli del contemporaneo nella letteratura per l’infanzia. A proposito di una recente pubblicazione, pp. 685-690

Forum / Discussioni

Carlos Sanz Simón, Juri Meda, The reception of the Spanish Civil War in the Italian elementary school during fascism (1936-1943), pp. 693-717

Carla Eugeni, Dolcezza psichiatrica e cura educativa in Adelmo Sichel, pp. 719-736

Bienvenido Martín Fraile, Ramiro Durán Martínez, Gabriel Parra Nieto, The teaching profession in XXIst Century Spain described through teacher testimonies, pp. 737-751

Carla Ghizzoni, The question of sources in historical research on school and educational heritage, pp. 753-761

Notices / Recensioni

Jakob Benecke, Soziale Ungleichheit und Hitler-Jugend. Zur Systematisierung sozialer Differenz in der nationalsozialistischen Jugendorganisation (S. Polenghi), pp. 765-767

Hervé A. Cavallera, Storia delle dottrine e delle istituzioni educative (M. Ostenc), pp. 767-776

Dana Kasperová, Československá obec učitelská v kontexte reformy vzdělávaní učitelů a reformy školy [The Czechoslovak Teaching Community in the Context of Teacher Training Reform and School Reform] (B. Kudláčová), pp. 776-780

Don K. Philpot, Character Focalization in Children’s Novels (H. Hui, X. Ke), pp. 780-783

Roberto Sani, Education, school and cultural processes in contemporary Italy (M. Ostenc), pp. 783-787

Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres
Cronache scientifiche e Attività degli istituti di ricerca

Michela D’Alessio, La memoria e le carte. Gli archivi e la valorizzazione del patrimonio storico-educativo. A proposito del recente Convegno nazionale di studi di Matera (4-5 ottobre 2019), pp. 791-807

Sofia Montecchiani, Lucia Paciaroni, Le forme della memoria scolastica: interventi nazionali e prospettive internazionali. A proposito del secondo seminario PRIN, pp. 809-816

International Referees’ Committee (2020), p. 819

  • Codice ISBN (print) 978-88-6056-656-0
  • Codice ISSN (print) 1971-1093
  • Codice ISSN (on line) 1971-1131
  • Numero pagine 819
  • Formato 17x24
  • Anno 2020
  • Editore © 2020 eum edizioni università di macerata
  • The Journal web site:

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