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HECL X / 2 2015 Mostra a grandezza intera



HECL X / 2 2015

History of education & children’s literature
X / 2 2015
Half-yearly journal / Rivista semestrale

Andreassi Rossella, Ascenzi Anna, Balfour Beatrice Jane Vittoria, Barausse Alberto, Benavides Escrivá Gabriel, Carli Alberto, Caroli Dorena, D’Alessio Michela, Dani Hoti Esmeralda, Donato Di Paola Mara, Domenico F.A. Elia, Escrivá Moscardó Cristina, Gabrielli Gianluca, Gatti Júnior Décio, Ghizzoni Carla, Gonçalves Borges Bruno, González Redondo Francisco A., Hernández Huerta José Luis, Kasper Tomáš, Longo Mortatti Maria do Rosário, Morandini Maria Cristina, Ortega Gaite Sonia, Parsamov Vadim S., Pomante Luigiaurelio, Sani Roberto, Tabacchi Elena, Targhetta Fabio, Thyssen Geert, Viola Valeria


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Nineteenth- and twentieth-century schools as a laboratory for the promotion of national identity and citizenship education / Part Two Call for Papers for the 10th anniversary of the journal «History of Education & Chil676dren’s Literature» (2006-2015), edited by Roberto Sani

Tomáš Kasper, German youth in Czechoslovakia and the «struggle» for a «new person and a new society»

Carla Ghizzoni, Building the Nation. Schools and Constitution Day in Milan in the aftermath of Italian Unification 

Maria do Rosário Longo Mortatti, Literature for primary school and education of republican citizens, in the «Revista de Ensino» (SP-Brazil) – 1902-1918 

Maria Cristina Morandini, «God and the people»: Mazzini’s Duties of man in the Italian school system over the period spanning the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries 

Beatrice Jane Vittoria Balfour, «Let’s make schools a daily practice of liberty and democracy!». Testimonies of the Italian Resistance in Italian school diaries (Reggio Emilia, Italy, 1940s-1970s) 

Elena Tabacchi, In the Heart of the Nation. Reading books and nationalism in fin-de-siècle Italy (1880-1900) 

Décio Gatti Júnior, Bruno Gonçalves Borges, Between the Empire and the Republic: the permanence of a biography of the Nation in the history taught in secondary and primary schools in Brazil (1860-1950) 

Fabio Targhetta, «The beloved face of the fatherland». The role of the landscape into the processes of national identity building 

Mara Donato Di Paola, Educational policy on language teaching in Belgian secondary state schools, 1830-1890 

Gianluca Gabrielli, Nationalisation through Contrasts: «the racial us» and «the colonial us» in the construction of Italian identity at school

Francisco A. González Redondo, Cristina Escrivá Moscardó, Gabriel Benavides Escrivá, On the access of the working class to higher education in Spain: from the Institute of Scholar Selection to the Institutes for Workers 

Alberto Carli, Tito Speri: an apprentice revolutionary on the eve of 1848 insurrection. The Municipal Lyceum of Lodi and the development of local patriotic spirit in the first half of the XIX century 

Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani, The teaching of Rights and Duties in the schools of united Italy: between ideological control, social discipline and citizenship education (1861-1900). Part two 

Domenico F.A. Elia, The Italian way to gymnastics: the psycho-kinetic theory of Baumann 

Geert Thyssen, Engineered Communities? Industry, open-air schools, and imaginaries of belonging (c. 1913-1963) 

Esmeralda Dani Hoti, The role of the school manuals in the national identity formation of Albanians during the Renaissance 

Vadim S. Parsamov, The establishment of the Higher Attestation Commission (the VAK) and the politics of the Bolsheviks in the sphere of higher education in the late 1920s - early 1930s 

José Luis Hernández Huerta, Sonia Ortega Gaite, Civic Education and public opinion in Argentina during the transition to democracy (1982-1983) 

Valeria Viola, Drawing for the nation. The role of drawing classes in the construction process of the national identity and industry (1861-1891) 

Rossella Andreassi, The Correspondence (Corrispondenza) of «Il Giornalino della Domenica» (1906-1911): a training ground for the development of civic education and national sentiment in the Italian youths 

Alberto Barausse, The construction of national identity in textbooks for Italian schools abroad: the case of Brazil between the two World Wars 

Michela D’Alessio, «Our Schools». The work of the Association of Southern Italy against illiteracy in Basilicata (1921-1928) 

  • Codice ISBN (print) 978-88-6056-443-6
  • Codice ISSN (print) 1971-1093
  • Codice ISSN (on line) 1971-1131
  • Linea Editoriale eum dir riviste
  • Numero pagine 676
  • Formato 17x24
  • Anno 2015
  • Editore © 2015 eum edizioni università di macerata
  • The Journal web site:

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