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La gelosia delle lingue
Narrativa e poesia
Narrativa e poesia
What happens within a writer who decides to abandon his/her mother tongue in order to write in another language? What is lost and what is gained in the passage? Why leave one language for another? These are just some questions the book focuses on. Switching from one language to another means taking a risk. The reason is not linked to the degree of competence in one language or another, but it is about feeling the language, learning how to conceive the world, and interpreting it from a different point of view. This change implies a “rebirth”. We can write, think and dream in other languages, but we could never do so without the linguistic maternity of our native language because our mother tongue not only teaches us how to speak but also gives us a way to see the world and a way of being. We speak our mother tongue in many other languages.
In a series of short chapters somewhere between autobiography and essay, Adrián N. Bravi explores, on the one hand, the hospitality offered by his new language (in his case, the Italian language, in which he speaks, writes and narrates against the backdrop of a hidden language which whispers words and tones to him from his childhood) and, on the other hand, the experience of other writers who, for various reasons and vicissitudes, changed language and reflected on this existential metamorphosis.
Adrián N. Bravi was born in Buenos Aires. He works as a librarian at the University of Macerata. In 1999 he published his first novel in Spanish, Rio Sauce, while in 2004 he published his first novel written in Italian, Restituiscimi il cappotto. He published the following novels edited by Nottetempo: La pelusa (2007); Sud 1982 (2008); Il riporto (2011); L’albero e la vacca (co-edited with Feltrinelli, 2013, winner of the “Premio Bergamo” award) and L’inondazione (2015). In 2015, he also published an anthology of short stories, called Variazioni straniere, edited by EUM (the Univesity Press of Macerata).
Per la rubrica "Scaffale" in onda all’interno di "Buongiorno Regione" e del "TG Marche" il 20 giugno 2018 Maria Francesca Alfonsi presenta il volume “La gelosia delle lingue” di Adrián N. Bravi. |
CONSONANZE E DISSONANZE / Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo: “La gelosia delle lingue” (EUM, 2017) di Adrián Bravi |
di Antonio Prete, l’immaginazione, Il divano, 301, settembre-ottobre 2017, p. 38 |
di Ornella Tajani, Nazione Indiana, 19 ottobre 2017, https://www.nazioneindiana.com/2017/10/19/la-gelosia-delle-lingue-adrian-n-bravi/ |
Dentro la delicata trama delle parole perdute, ritrovate, a volte odiate. |
Fernanda Elisa Bravo Herrera recensisce "La gelosia delle lingue" per la rivista Cuadernos del Hipogrifo. Revista semestral de literatura hispanoamericana y comparada. |
Adrian Bravi con “La gelosia delle lingue” è stato ospite della trasmissione radiofonica "Versilia Libri" a cura di Demetrio Brandi su Radio Versilia sabato 24 giugno alle ore 12 e mercoledì 28 in replica. |
di Pierfrancesco Giannangeli, il Resto del Carlino, martedì 16 maggio 2017, p. 15 |
Luciana Interlenghi intervista Adrian Bravi al caffè di Radio Erre |
Il volume è stato segnalato nel sito web di informazione locale "Il Cittadino di Recanati" |