
edizioni università di macerata

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The Publishing Centre of the University of Macerata: CEUM (Centro Edizioni Università di Macerata)

Chancellor's Decree No. 1399 of 7th October 2004 repealed the previous Rules and Regulations concerning scientific publishing (Chancellor's Decree No. 205 of 10th February 1999) and set up the Centro Edizioni Università di Macerata, that is, the publishing centre of the University of Macerata (CEUM). It also approved the Rules and Regulations of Edizioni Università di Macerata (EUM) and of academic scientific publishing, namely the University of Macerata Press and scientific publishing within the university (later amended by Chancellor's Decree No. 414 of 21st March 2006, Decree No. 275 of 19th  March 2010 and Decree No. 33 of 30th January 2014).

The Publishing Centre of the University of Macerata (CEUM) seeks to:

  • Promote, enhance and spread research results and activities carried out at the University of Macerata within its institutional aims;
  • Preserve ownership of copyright of its scientific products;
  • Support authors in publishing their research both electronically and traditionally;
  • Effectively manage funding the University of Macerata allocates for publishing;

CEUM is striving to be the tool of choice to achieve the scientific and educational pursuits of the University of Macerata. It offers a wide range of services, aimed both at promoting research and spreading results of the scientific community, as well as at providing students with adequate scientific and professional training, backed by means ensuring results are circulated and spread effectively.

In order to achieve its objectives, in line with its Regulations and in compliance with decisions made by the relevant bodies, CEUM offers the following services:

  • CEUM archive: the archive collects, examines, catalogues and stores all the scientific and educational literature that has been published by the scientific community of the University of Macerata since 2006, year when CEUM was first set up;
  • EUM – the University of Macerata Press: the publishing house of the University of Macerata, which also provides literature published via Open Acces.