General information/Application Forms
1. Why should you publish your work through EUM?
By creating its own logo the University of Macerata has endowed its scientific work with visibility. It has also made distribution easier, while guaranteeing high quality. Moreover, it has enabled to secure ownership of copyright for scientific works, as well as copyright for book series in which individual works are published. Indeed, authors have the opportunity to use and reuse freely their work for educational and scientific purposes, whether they choose to preserve their copyright or to transfer copyright to EUM, that is, to the University of Macerata.
2. Print and Digital Publishing
One of the features of EUM is the wide range of its products: submitted work may be published, either in traditional paper format or in digital format (PDF, e-pub, mobi files) according to the author's express choice.
3. Submitting Work for Publishing
Be it in printed or digital format, the author/editor has to fill in one of the two application forms for publishing, according to his/her academic status.
4. Promotion and Distribution
Since 2010 the University of Macerata has started collaborating with Messaggerie Libri, Casalini Libri and Casalini Digital Division to promote, distribute and sell EUM products. Due to such collaboration, EUM guarantees distribution of each published work at national level in bookstores, in private or public institutions, as well as ensures the opportunity for the published material to be purchased from a foreign country, unless EUM decides to the contrary.
Moreover, EUM takes part in the most important fairs in this sector, such as the Turin International Book Fair (Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino) and a Rome book fair for small and medium independent publishers called 'Più libri più liberi'. EUM also supports authors who wish to launch their works; it promotes the latest works and events by sending regular information to readers, students, academic staff, journalists, institutions and bookstores.
5. Legal Issues
As far as traditional printed publishing is concerned, EUM carries out lodging procedures provided for by law, and allocates ISBN to its published works. The author is warranted intellectual property right and transfers copyright to EUM through a special printing and publishing contract.
Application Form for EUM publishing and printing