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La percezione e comunicazione del patrimonio nel contesto multiculturale

Economy vs Culture?
4 / 2016

Francesca Coltrinari (edited by)

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23,00 €

This volume brings together the proceedings of the final conference on "CROSS-cultural Doors. The perception and Communication of cultural heritage for audience development and rights of citizenSHIP in Europe" (acronym: Cross-ship). The conference was funded by the University of Macerata and took place in Macerata from 4 to 6 May 2016. This project was conducted by Francesca Coltrinari and involved professors and lecturers from the Departments of Education, Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Humanities at the University of Macerata. Contributions also came from scholars from other Italian and foreign universities, as well as from professional experts in the field. The point of departure for the project was the observation that, over time, cultural heritage has played a fundamental role in the construction of both individual and collective identities. The project considered the role that cultural heritage plays in the current multilingual and multicultural European society from different points of view. Studies were conducted on four different areas: schools and museums (among the most important institutions with educational purposes); historiography and travel literature (crucial when describing the ways cultural heritage is perceived); and migrant literature (the approach to understanding the point of view of new citizens and second-generation immigrants).

About Francesca Coltrinari
Francesca Coltrinari is a researcher in the History of Modern Art at the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism at the University of Macerata where she teaches History of Modern Art. She has written extensively about art in the Adriatic region between the 15th and the 18th centuries, including studies on Crivelli, Lorenzo Lotto, Loreto (a town in the Marche region) during the Counter-Reformation, and on museums of the Marche region. She is also editorial coordinator of the magazine “Il Capitale culturale. Studies on the value of cultural heritage", which promotes cultural heritage.

  • Codice ISBN (print) 978-88-6056-498-6
  • Numero pagine 416
  • Formato 14x21
  • Anno 2016
  • Editore © 2016 eum edizioni università di macerata
  • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Eum Redazione

Maria Colombo Timelli, « Luca Pierdominici, La vista e lo sguardo: l’Italia di Guillaume de La Penne nelle “Gestes des Bretons en Italie sous le pontificat de Grégoire XI” (1378) », Studi Francesi [Online], 185 (LXII – II) | 2018, online dal 01 août 2018, consultato il 04 octobre 2018. URL :

Très peu connue, et objet de deux seules éditions du XVIIIe siècle, cette Geste est un poème de plus de 2700 octosyllabes à rimes plates donnant le récit des campagnes menées en Italie par des troupes bretonnes à la solde du Pape Grégoire XI, de retour d’Avignon à Rome en 1378; un seul manuscrit en est conservé (Angers, BM, Rés. ms. 549), preuve d’une circulation des plus limitées. Si cet ouvrage mérite la relecture proposée par L.P., c’est parce qu’il constitue un témoignage intéressant, peut-être davantage sur le plan littéraire qu’historique, du regard porté par un Français sur l’Italie vers la fin du XIVe siècle: de fait, l’auteur tient d’abord à exalter la valeur de Sylvestre Budes, chef des armées, dont il chante les qualités sur un ton épique, alors que la Péninsule, ses campagnes, ses villes, et même ses habitants, ne sont perçus qu’en fonction du récit lui-même et de la campagne militaire dont Guillaume de La Penne se doit de justifier les événements voire certains excès.
