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Indice (LXXIII)
Alberto Melelli, Donata Castagnoli, Fabio Fatichenti, L’évolution de l’oléiculture italienne depuis cinquante ans: l’exemple de l’Italie Centrale (The evolution of Italian olive growing in the last fifty years: the case of Central Italy)
Antonio Gavira Narváez, Inversiones en infraestructuras ferroviarias y repercusiones en su desarrollo territorial en el periodo 1964-2005. El caso de Andalucía (Investments in railway infrastructures and repercussions on their territorial development in the period 1964-2005. The case of Andalusia)
Luisa Lanchazo-García, Reyes González-Relaño, El Camino de Santiago: ¿lugar de peregrinación o producto turístico? (The Camino de Santiago: place of pilgrimage or tourism product?)
Raffaella Afferni, Carla Ferrario, Turismo religioso e cibo: le produzioni monastiche quali esempi di cultural heritage (Religious tourism and food: monastic productions as examples of cultural heritage)
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