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Prove di imperialismo
Espansionismo economico italiano oltre l’Adriatico a cavallo della Grande guerra
Quaderni monografici di «Proposte e ricerche»
quaderni monografici
Espansionismo economico italiano oltre l’Adriatico a cavallo della Grande guerra
Quaderni monografici di «Proposte e ricerche»
quaderni monografici
Between the end of the 19th century and the first post-war period, Italy, striving to become one of the major European powers, nurtured hegemonic ambitions towards the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea as well as the Balkans. In this competition with the Austro-Hungarian Empire to take control of its territories and political influence, the commercial and entrepreneurial occupation of these regions seemed the best solution to fulfill all of these ambitions. Thus, Italy tried to build a relationship with these regions both because they were economically complementary and also in order to take advantage of the fact that these new countries were beginning to establish infrastructures and production plants. Through an analysis of various case studies, this book revisits some of Italy’s attempts to enter the economic system of south-eastern Europe. Using an eclectic approach which tries to weave together cultural, economic and political-diplomatic aspects, this analysis underlines the limits of such attempts and the reasons of their failure.
About Emanuela Costantini & Paola Raspadori
Emanuela Constantini is a researcher in Late Contemporary History at the Department of Humanities, Ancient and Modern Languages, Literature and Cultures of the Università degli Studi di Perugia. She is also a member of the Scientific Board of Associazione Studi di Storia dell'Europa Centrale e Orientale (AISSECO). Her research topics mainly concern the processes of construction of nation states in south-western Europe. She has published numerous many articles and essays in national and international books and journals, as well as some monographs including Nae lonescu, Mircea Eliade, Emil Cioran. Antiliberalismo nazionalista alla periferia d'Europa, Perugia, 2005 and La capitale immaginata. L'evoluzione di Bucarest nella fase di costruzione e consolidamento dello stato nazionale, Soveria Mannelli, 2016.
Paolo Raspadori is researcher in Late Contemporary History in the Department of Humanities Ancient and Modern Languages, Literature and Cultures at the Università degli Studi di Perugia. Member of the Editorial Board of «Proposte e ricerche» (Proposals and research) and of the Scientific Board of the Società italiana di storia del lavoro (Sislav), his research focuses mainly on the history of business and the history of work in Italy between the end of the 19th century and the second half of the 20th century. He has written numerous articles and essays published in books and national as well as international journals, and some monographs such as Lavoro e relazioni industriali alla Terni, 1900-1914. Gli uomini dell'acciaio, Ancona, 2001 and Ospitare, servire, ristorare. Storia dei lavoratori di alberghi e ristoranti in Italia dalla fine dell'Ottocento alla metà del Novecento, Soveria Mannelli, 2014.
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