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Between History and Historiography
Research on Contemporary Italian University
Biblioteca di HECL
Research on Contemporary Italian University
Biblioteca di HECL
This volume includes some research papers written originally in English and presented at international conferences and seminars about the history and historiography of higher education and European universities. Each of them is aimed to illustrate certain aspects and features of the Italian university system in the last two centuries. The first chapter, in fact, traces the origins and evolution of the university organization from the unification to the II post-war period while the second highlights the recent and particularly complex and controversial history characterizing the introduction of e-learning and distance education in the Italian university system. The third and fourth chapter present, respectively, an overview of the most recent studies carried out in Italy on higher education and universities in the contemporary age and an analysis of the historical archives and of the sources used in the history of higher education and Italian universities of the last two centuries. Based on a very wide archival and printed material, the volume provides an important and original contribution for the history of higher education and of Italian universities between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Luigiaurelio Pomante (Teramo 1980), holder of a temporary research fellowship in History of Education at the University of Macerata, he received the title of Ph.D. in "Theory and History of Education" at the same university, where he worked in the activities of the "Center for Studies and documentation on the University history". Since 2010 he is managing editor of the international journal "History of Education & Children's Literature". He published several essays on the history of higher education and universities in modern and contemporary age, including L'Università di Macerata nell'Italia unita (1861-1966). Un secolo di storia dell'ateneo maceratese attraverso le relazioni inaugurali dei rettori e altre fonti archivistiche e a stampa (Macerata 2012) and Per una storia delle università minori. Il caso dello Studium Generale Maceratense tra Otto e Novecento (Macerata 2013).
Chapter 1
The peculiarities of the Italian university system. The role of small provincial universities from national Unification to post-World War II period
Chapter 2
The rise of e-learning in the Italian university system between the creation of on-line universities and the innovation of the educational processes in traditional universities (2003-2013)
Chapter 3
The University as a historiographical problem. Studies and research on Italian universities and higher education systems in the last twenty years
Chapter 4
Preserving memory. The archives of the Italian universities and the organization of historical research in higher education field
«History of Education & Children’s Literature» 9
Biblioteca di «History of Education & Children’s Literature».
Collana diretta da Roberto Sani e Anna Ascenzi.
In copertina: Teatro anatomico di Palazzo Bo (Padova).
Foto su gentile concessione dell'Università degli Studi di Padova.
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di Mauro Moretti, Il mestiere di storico, VII / 2, 2015, p. 240 |
Natividad Araque Hontangas, “Between History and Historiography”, in «History of Education & Children’s Literature» (HECL), XI/1 2016, pp. 423-428. |
di Roberto Sani, Pedagogia Oggi, 2, 2015, pp. 336-338 |
di Elisabetta Patrizi, Estudios sobre Educación, vol. 30, 2016, pp. 243-244 |