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HECL XIII / 1 2018 View full size


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HECL XIII / 1 2018

History of education & children’s literature
XIII / 1 2018
Half-yearly journal / Rivista semestrale

Monographic Section

Images of the European Child
edited by
Bernat Sureda Garcia and María del Mar del Pozo Andrés

Bernat Sureda Garcia and María del Mar del Pozo Andrés
pp. 11-16

Jeroen J.H. Dekker
The restrained child: imaging the regulation of children’s behaviour and emotions in Early Modern Europe, The Dutch Golden age 
pp. 17-39

Juri Meda, Marta Brunelli
The dumb child: contribution to the study of the iconogenesis of the dunce cap  
pp. 41-70

María del Mar del Pozo Andrés
The undisciplined child: the image of the rebellious childhood in an age of educational disciplining (1809-1840)  
pp. 71-97

Jeremy Howard
The imagined child: visualising Cowie youngsters, signs of life and learning in images of children from a fishing community of northeast Scotland, ca. 1870  
pp. 99-133

Silvia Assirelli
The literary child: childhood and literary iconography between the 19th and 20th Centuries  
pp. 135-162

Pere Capellà Simó
The painting child: childhood as painted by children themselves (15
th-20th Centuries)   pp. 163-191

Sara González Gómez, Bernat Sureda Garcia
The healthy child: photography and the promotion of health awareness in schools in Barcelona (1909-1933)  
pp. 193-214

Sjaak Braster
The progressive child: images of new education in the New Era (1920-1939)  
pp. 215-250

Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani
The totalitarian child: the image of childhood in the Fascist school notebooks (1922-1943)   
pp. 251-278

Avelina Miquel Lara, Francisca Comas Rubí
The war child: childhood as it appears in photographs in publications for Republican combatants during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) 
pp. 279-303

Teresa Rabazas, Sara Ramos
The school child: two images of a pedagogical model in Madrid, 1960s  
pp. 305-326

Maria Luce Sijpenhof
The black child: «racist» depictions in Dutch secondary school history textbooks (1968-2017)  
pp. 327-352

Essays and Researches

Beatriz Comella-Gutiérrez
Johann Funger’s pedagogy in the context of northern humanism  
pp. 355-374

José Marìa Ariso
Baltasar Gracián (1601-1658), predecessor of lifelong education and arbiter of good taste  
pp. 375-391

Maria Hricková, Adriana Kičková
History of radio broadcasting for schools in the Czechoslovak Republic 
pp. 393-409

Anna Ascenzi, Roberto Sani
A history of the periodical press for children in Italy during the 19th Century. Part One 
pp.  411-443

Haifeng Hui
Appropriating Robinson Crusoe to be a good boy: literary adaptation in The New Robinson Crusoe at the end of the 18th Century  
pp.  445-459

Gabriella Ambrus, Csaba Csapodi, Ödön Vancsó
Teaching reality based tasks in Hungarian schools based on some national traditions 
pp. 461-477

Liudmila G. Guseva
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky: the founder of scientific pedagogy in the 19th Century Russia 
pp. 479-491

Gabriella Seveso
The figure of the nurse in classical theatre from an educational perspective  
pp. 493-509

Anna Ascenzi
Scientific publication for children and young people during the 19th Century in Italy: from Antonio Stoppani to Luigi Bertelli/Vamba 
pp. 511-529

Miguel Martín-Sánchez, Carolina Gutiérrez-Tejeiro, Jorge Cáceres-Muñoz
Krause’s influence in school architecture: the case of Spanish pedagogy in the 19th Century 
pp. 531-550

Grigory Kornetov, Maria Polyakova
Leibniz und Peter I: ein Bildungsprojekt zu Beginn des Aufklärungszeitalters 
pp. 551-569

Critical Reviews and Bibliography

Anna Ascenzi
Edmondo De Amicis fra letteratura e società. A proposito di una recente e importante pubblicazione francese 
pp. 575-580

Haifeng Hui, Yuzhen Zhang
A reflection on current research on picture books and visual/verbal texts for young 
pp. 581-586

Fabio Targhetta
Tra produzione industriale e alfabetizzazione diffusa: nuovi approdi per la storia della cultura materiale della scuola  
pp. 587-592

Carmela Covato
L’altra educazione. A proposito di un recente volume di Massimo Baldacci  
pp. 593-598

Evelina Scaglia
I necrologi dei maestri elementari italiani: da Spoon River a fonti inedite per la storia della scuola e dell’educazione 
pp. 599-606

Maria Bocci
Associazionismo giovanile cattolico nell’Italia degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. A proposito di Gioventù Studentesca. Storia di un movimento cattolico dalla ricostruzione alla contestazione di Marta Busani  
pp. 607-619

Luca Montecchi
L’istruzione tecnica e professionale nell’Italia dell’Ottocento 
pp. 621-626

Giorgio Chiosso, Serge Tomamichel
Il Novecento: il secolo del bambino? Riflessioni storiografiche  
pp. 627-638

Lucia Paciaroni
Il patrimonio storico-educativo tra ricerca e didattica della storia. A proposito di un importante seminario di studi  
pp. 639-646

Chiara Meta
Le emozioni hanno una storia? Ipotesi e nuovi percorsi degli studi storico-educativi 
pp. 649-666

Notices / Recensioni    pp. 669-681

Scientific News and Activities of Research Centres

Dorena Caroli, Ben Eklof, Tatiana Saburova
«Seeing Like a State?» Innovative approaches to the history of education in Russia presented at the International conference at the Indiana University Europe Gateway at CIEE Global Institute (Berlin, 14-15 October 2017)   
pp. 685-701

International Referees’ Committee (2018)   p. 703



  • Codice ISBN (print) 978-88-6056-571-6
  • Codice ISSN (print) 1971-1093
  • Codice ISSN (on line) 1971-1131
  • Numero pagine 701
  • Formato 17x24
  • Anno 2018
  • Editore © 2018 eum edizioni università di macerata
  • The Journal web site:

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